Updated on September 16, 2021 (Originally published on June 10, 2021)

We are collecting feedback about the direct services we provide, and we want to hear from different perspectives – people who use our services, employees, family members and community partners. This is part of our Onward strategic plan. Our goal is to get everyone’s feedback about Christian Horizons’ services for people who experience disabilities.

We have an online survey with just 6 questions to gather this information. Please take 10 minutes today to complete the survey found at this link. Your participation is anonymous, optional, and very appreciated!

Click on your community name below to complete the survey. Only active surveys are listed below, sorted according to survey closing dates.

View the e-brochures of past surveys that have already closed:

(Survey Closes September 17, 2021)

(Survey Closes End of September, 2021)