
We dream big at Christian Horizons! In our Vision, we want to see a whole world where people experience belonging in their communities – where people’s God-given gifts are respected and valued everywhere. Sometimes, though, it can be hard to see how this big Vision, or our Onward Strategic Plan, or any of the other big-picture goals that we have fit into our daily work at Christian Horizons.

That’s why we’ve asked our Onward Change Champions to put together “Onward Huddle” sheets that help us ask questions, have conversations, and complete challenges that relate our Onward dreams to our day-to-day work – seeing where each of us make a difference towards our larger vision.

April 2023 Reflection (PDF)

Prayer Guide

The April prayer guide is now available.

This month’s prayer guide talks about reclaiming joy and finding peace in all situations.

This prayer guide is included below to print and make available at various locations as an optional resource for employees, people receiving support, families, and church partners. If you have any questions about the prayer guide or items to include next month, please contact

You can access prayer guides and other resources at

April 2023 Prayer Guide (PDF)