Originally sent as an email communication on July 11, 2022
To: People Using Services, Family Members and Advocates, and Employees in Ontario
Christian Horizons continues to grow our services for people through the Passport Funding Program in Ontario. These supports are provided by Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) through our services in communities.
You may be aware that DSPs recently received a permanent wage increase of $3 per hour through our funding agreements with the Ontario government. This is very good news for our employees and for future recruitment of skilled team members. Our DSPs are critical contributors to our efforts to promote communities where everybody belongs!
As a result of these permanent wage increases for DSPs, we must also increase the cost of support we provide to people through the Passport Program. We are grateful that the Ontario government acknowledged this cost increase to the Passport allocation as they gave all Passport recipients a 10% increase as of July 1, 2022. Effective July 1, 2022, the new billing rate for Christian Horizons staff providing Passport services will be $46.95.
The Ontario government’s Developmental Services Reform Strategy, “Journey to Belonging,” continues to roll out. We hope that we will see continued investment in person-directed funding, similar to what is offered through the Passport Program. We support the perspective that people are empowered when they can choose and control the services that are best for them.
As more details of the government’s strategy are shared, we will be sure to pass these developments along to everybody connected with Christian Horizons. We endeavour to communicate our support and our feedback to the government as they consider a modernized and transformed service system, as we work together to build a system that ensures people with developmental disabilities have access to fair and sustainable services, as they belong and contribute to their community.
Download the Developmental Services Reform Plan here.