March 25, 2021

All Employee Survey launches Monday

Last week’s article introduced the YMCA WorkWell employee survey launching on Monday. The survey will provide you with an opportunity to share your feedback on wellness and engagement, plus it will collect demographic information in response to one of the anti-racism taskforce recommendations. We know your privacy is important. On the right is information from WorkWell regarding data collection.

If you would like to learn more about our WorkWell Privacy Policy and how we protect your anonymity, our policies are outlined here.

Watch for the survey link to arrive in the inbox of your Christian Horizons email on Monday.

Your Feedback Matters!

It can be the key that unlocks your organization’s potential. Here’s why the quick 5-minute survey is valuable:

  1. Your responses are completely anonymous. Your organization will never see your name or any identifying information attached to your personal data in any way. Only group-level trends will be analyzed and only groups with five or more responses will ever be reported on.
  2. Your feedback will be aggregated into a report that identifies your organization’s main strengths and opportunity areas, highlighting the most important trends across all groups and teams.
  3. The final questions of the assessment provide an opportunity to share your written thoughts with leadership. Your anonymous feedback will be used to help guide and improve decision-making, but your name will never be attached to your comments in any way.

Call for Excellence in Action Nominations

Excellence in Action nominations are now being accepted for the Annual Community Meetings in October 2021. Nominees can be donors, employees, family members, community partners, people who use our services, stakeholders, vendors, volunteers. The deadline to submit a nomination form is April 30th, 2021.

Nomination forms can be found on CH Connect Excellence in Action. Completed nomination forms are to be sent to

Click here to download a copy of the nomination form.

Click here to download a copy of the Call for Nominations poster to print and display at your location.