Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m grateful I live in Canada. Our health care system is available for each of us to access the medical support we need, especially in these days during COVID-19. Now, as we see a surge in numbers, especially in certain communities, our continued diligence is necessary so to not overwhelm our health care system. Wearing our masks, keeping a distance, washing our hands, getting the flu shot, and using the COVID-19 app will help us to help others have access to the health care support when they need it.
As of yesterday, we have no report of COVID-19 cases within Christian Horizons communities in both Ontario and Saskatchewan.
Christian Horizons Statistics
(Running totals since March 19, 2020)
Provincial and National Statistics
(Beyond Christian Horizons)
Christian Horizons Global
Cases of COVID-19 continue to rise globally. In Ethiopia and Guatemala, communities are still isolating to stop the spread. In Haiti and Nicaragua, life is returning to normal, not because the virus is gone but because the communities have realized that isolating is not a long-term option and that the makeup of the community is not very effective. Death tolls continue to rise. Please continue to keep these communities in your thoughts and prayers. Our partners are grateful for the support they are receiving at this time. Thanks especially to those who participated in the Ride for Refuge this past weekend. Over $50,000 was raised for our work around the world and here in Canada. Donations and fundraising are ongoing till the end of October. Go here to get involved rideforrefuge.org/charity/christianhorizons.
Enhanced Measures in Some Communities
In Ontario, we received direction from the Ministry about surges in certain communities – Ottawa, Toronto, York, Simcoe, Halton, Wellington-Dufferin and Peel – and the need for us to enhance our measures there. Because of that, we’re letting families in those communities know that we’re moving to outdoor visits only and no in-home visits. Please refer to the COVID-19 Activity Restrictions- Ottawa, Peel, Simcoe, Halton, Wellington-Dufferin, Toronto and York Region document on the COVID-19 resources page for details on other enhanced precautions, including restrictions for going out in the community.
The isolation that accompanies our fight against COVID-19 is taking its toll. Reducing visits helps to stop the spread – which is our ultimate goal – contributes to people missing their family members and means their Thanksgiving plans will look different. Let’s remember to be extra patient and gracious with ourselves and each other – everyone is fighting the COVID-19 battle, and many are fighting their own challenges at the same time.
Thank you for your ongoing diligence. I’m grateful for your continued commitment to helping people who experience disabilities belong to communities, even though that looks different right now, where their God-given gifts are valued and respected.
Please check out the resources page – it’s updated regularly and is available at https://covid19.chconnect.org/. I remain available at dmilley@christian-horizons.org.
Stay safe,
Dwayne Milley
Vice President of Operations