​This past weekend I saw a tree in my neighbourhood that is being overcome by autumn. From a distance, it was bright green, just like in the spring, but underneath the canopy, it was bright red and orange.

It’s a beautiful time of year. Typically, Thanksgiving weekend is a time to get together with family and friends and reflect on all the reasons we can be thankful. If your weekend was like mine, you were more quickly reminded how different things are, and it took a little extra effort to be grateful.

Sincerely, I’m grateful for all of you. As there are surges in communities and we worry if it will get worse or if we can contain it, you are diligently working to help people live their lives and be safe from this virus. Thank you!

As of yesterday, Christian Horizons has two (2) employees who are currently positive for COVID-19 in two (2) Ontario communities. We have no active cases in Saskatchewan.

Christian Horizons Statistics

(Running totals since March 19, 2020)

Provincial and National Statistics

(Beyond Christian Horizons)

Christian Horizons Global

Cases of COVID-19 continue to rise globally. In Guatemala, things have opened up a bit in recent weeks, and like here at home, they are seeing a surge in COVID-19 cases. Our team is taking advantage of the opening to get into rural areas while they can before more restrictions which are likely to return. As schools in Ethiopia and Haiti start this month, the school year in Guatemala and Nicaragua is wrapping up. We wish them all the best as they celebrate the beginning or closure of another school year during these strange times.

Enhanced Precautions and Continued Diligence

With the surges in some communities, we have moved to “Enhanced Precautions” in those areas, which impacts visits and community activities. We will continue to monitor and follow the guidance of the government and public health officials and adjust our approaches as required. Thank you for your patience and continued diligence in our standard practices to slow the spread of COVID-19 – wearing masks, washing our hands, and keeping a distance as much as possible. In addition, using the COVID-19 tracking app will help, and if you haven’t yet, please consider getting the flu shot. Given the demand, our community leaders are working to find creative ways for people to access flu shots within their communities. We are connecting with local Public Health offices and our Pharmacists to make the flu shot readily available this fall. We encourage everyone to go get the flu shot as soon as you can.

As you keep on in helping people who experience disabilities belong to communities in which their God-given gifts are valued and respected, I pray for continued good health for you and your families.

Please remember to check out the resources page – it’s updated regularly and is available at https://covid19.chconnect.org/. I remain available at dmilley@christian-horizons.org.

Stay safe,

Dwayne Milley

Vice President of Operations​​