Congratulations to all of you in Ontario who have been able to receive your first (and some, second) COVID-19 vaccination shot! Even as our governments are telling us we’re in the third wave, I’m hopeful that as more people are able to be vaccinated, this wave will end quickly. 

In Saskatchewan, good news! Our employees and people using services in Regina community might be able to receive vaccination soon. We are working with the Saskatchewan Health Authority to prepare to rollout vaccines for those we support and employees. This would be the first community for Saskatchewan. 

As of yesterday, Christian Horizons has nine (9) employees who are currently positive for COVID-19 in four (4) Ontario communities. We have no active cases in Saskatchewan. 

Christian Horizons Global  

We were happy to hear that the three women who are supported in the Christian Horizons group home in Guatemala City are celebrating having new (to them) furniture. Our team was able to work together to restore some wood beds and chairs for the women to enjoy. Kudos to our team for brightening their days! 

As we pay attention to the COVID-19 statistics and remember to stay safe, my heart and mind goes to the people who were killed this week in AtlantaI pray for those who are left behind, both the families and the broader community 

Stay safe,

Dwayne Milley 

Vice President of Operations 


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