Today I almost forgot to write this article. When I set the reminder in my calendar in March, I ended it after four months. That was my hope – four months – and here we are, still responding to COVID-19 and still hopeful for the days ahead. That said, I’m encouraged by the decrease in COVID-19 cases across Canada. We might have a long road ahead, but things are beginning to look up as we keep on wearing our masks, maintain a good distance, and wash our hands a lot.

As of yesterday, there is one (1) employee who is currently positive for COVID-19 in one (1) Christian Horizons community in Ontario. We have no active cases in Saskatchewan.

Christian Horizons Statistics

(Running totals since March 19, 2020)

STATISTICS AS OF JULY 8, 2020 People Supported Employees
Confirmed Recovered Resolved Deaths Confirmed Recovered Resolved
Central 0 3 27 1 1 12 84
Central East 0 13 65 0 0 15 105
East 0 0 41 0 0 1 128
North 0 0 13 0 0 0 36
South 0 2 37 0 0 3 96
West 0 0 63 1 0 4 136
Saskatchewan 0 0 6 0 0 0 23
STATISTICS AS OF JULY 8, 2020 People Supported Employees
Awaiting Result Negative Test Confirmed Awaiting Result Negative Test Confirmed Recovered
Central 2 22 0 5 65 0 0
Central East 0 72 0 1 135 0 0
East 16 86 0 16 146 0 0
North 0 14 0 0 21 0 0
South 1 24 0 1 55 0 0
West 0 15 0 0 65 0 1
Waterloo Not Applicable 0 10 0 1
Saskatchewan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Provincial and National Statistics

(Beyond Christian Horizons)


JULY 8, 2020 @ 6:00 PM
(Source: Bing search engine)

Confirmed Recovered Deaths
Total Since Yesterday Morning Total Since Yesterday Morning Total Since Yesterday Morning
Ontario 36,060 +112 31,603 +177 2,691 +2
Saskatchewan 806 +1 737 +5 15 +1
Canada 106,367 +259 70,161 +326 8,733 +24


Christian Horizons Global

Our teams around the world continue to support people in difficult circumstances. Last week, we shared a video of leaders in Guatemala and Ethiopia giving updates on the pandemic support efforts that are happening in their communities. Here is the link to the video if you missed it. This past week, in addition to the COVID-19 crisis, Ethiopia experienced large scale protests in which over 180 people were killed. As a result, movement has been very difficult and, on top of that, they have been without internet for a week. Despite this, we have been in contact with our team and they continue to serve. We are grateful for everyone who sponsors children – this support is a lifeline in these hard times.​

Sad News

Tim passed away Wednesday. He was supported in the Toronto community and went to the hospital with a high fever in mid-June. Shortly after admission he tested positive for COVID-19. Even though his condition started to improve last week, Tuesday it worsened and Wednesday he succumbed to the virus.

COVID-19 is awful. Thank you for helping to stop the spread by diligently wearing your masks, especially in this hot weather. Our masks, keeping a safe distance, and repeated hand washing are key to fighting COVID-19. Please continue to check out the resources page at As always, I’m available at if you wish to contact me.

Stay safe,​

Dwayne Milley

Vice President of Operations​