​I hope this summer has given you some opportunity to take a break and enjoy the sunny weather. I know it’s been challenging as we can’t go to very many places while we’re still trying to practice physical distancing, but with each day, and with our continued diligence, we’re learning how to live during a pandemic. At the same time, as we wear our mask, wash our hands, and keep a distance, we can, together, win this fight against COVID-19.

As of yesterday, there is only one (1) person, an employee, who is currently positive for COVID-19 in one (1) Christian Horizons community in Ontario. We have no active cases in Saskatchewan.

Christian Horizons Statistics

(Running totals since March 19, 2020)

Provincial and National Statistics

(Beyond Christian Horizons)

Christian Horizons Global

Internationally, cases of COVID-19 continue to rise, and we continue to support our dedicated staff teams and partners as they support others through distanced inclusive education and nutrition support. COVID-19 shutdowns have caused the number of people experiencing food insecurity in the developing world to double. One parent in Ethiopia, who experiences disability and has lost the opportunity to work due to COVID-19 shared a message of thanks after receiving food from our team – “Our kids are happy to be able to eat until they get full tonight.”

Happy Long Weekend!

August 3rd is a holiday in both Ontario and Saskatchewan. Whether you find yourself at work or on a day off, I wish you a Happy Civic Holiday (Ontario) and a Happy Saskatchewan Day! And if that isn’t enough reason to celebrate, maybe you’re celebrating an anniversary, like Janet’s 31st work anniversary earlier this week, or a birthday (like my mother – she’s 77 today). No matter what these next few days bring, I pray you find reason to enjoy the holiday, even if it’s on a different day.

Please continue to check out the resources page at https://covid19.chconnect.org/. As always, I’m available at dmilley@christian-horizons.org if you wish to contact me.

Stay safe,

Dwayne Milley

Vice President of Operations​​