Often, in the first paragraph of this article, I’ve noted the number of weeks since the pandemic response began in March. I stopped doing that at the end of June (at week 15) because it became obvious that we’ll be in pandemic response for many weeks and months to come. I’m encouraged, overall, that the number of COVID-19 cases in Canada is decreasing, that people are generally being careful, and that it seems we’re getting used to this new way of life.
As of yesterday, there is one (1) employee who is currently positive for COVID-19 in one (1) Christian Horizons community in Ontario. We have no active cases in Saskatchewan.
Christian Horizons Statistics
(Running totals since March 19, 2020)
Provincial and National Statistics
(Beyond Christian Horizons)
Christian Horizons Global
Our teams around the world continue to support people in difficult circumstances. In Ethiopia, tensions between groups have resulted in protests and violence. As a result, the internet has been unavailable for two weeks and movement has been very difficult. In Nicaragua, Haiti, and Guatemala, positive cases of COVID-19 continue to rise. Despite this, we have been in contact with our team and they continue to serve. They send us notes of appreciation for the support they receive from donors like you. We are grateful for everyone who sponsors children – this support continues to be a lifeline in these hard times.
Thank You
In the midst of the devastating impact of COVID-19, I’m grateful for your continued diligence to stop the spread of the virus by wearing your masks, keeping a safe distance, and washing your hands. These are key, and they are becoming habits in our daily lives. Please continue to check out the resources page at https://covid19.chconnect.org/. As always, I’m available at dmilley@christian-horizons.org if you wish to contact me.
Stay safe,
Dwayne Milley
Vice President of Operations