It has been 21 weeks, well over four months, since our pandemic response began within Christian Horizons. We put restrictions in place right away to help limit the spread of COVID-19, and it’s encouraging that we have been able to relax some of those restrictions – family visits are possible, some of you who have second jobs are able to resume work, and some of the people who use our services are able to be out in the community. All of these things still have their limitations, of course, but it’s helping us learn to behave in the new normal – washing our hands more often, wearing masks almost all the time, and not standing too close to others.
And it’s working! In Canada, the number of new positive cases is decreasing, and as of yesterday, there is one (1) employee who is currently positive for COVID-19 in one (1) Christian Horizons community in Ontario. We have no active cases in Saskatchewan.
Christian Horizons Statistics
(Running totals since March 19, 2020)
Provincial and National Statistics
(Beyond Christian Horizons)
Christian Horizons Global
Though we are starting to loosen restrictions here, internationally, many countries are still in lock down as cases of COVID-19 continue to rise. Our teams globally are grateful for the support that we can send, especially for the emergency nutrition fund to help with the economic impact.
Thank you once again for your diligence in this fight. Please remember to wear your mask, wash your hands, and keep a safe distance. And please continue to check out the resources page at As always, I’m available at if you wish to contact me.
Stay safe,
Dwayne Milley
Vice President of Operations