With the new school year set to begin in just three weeks, I heard someone joke yesterday that this has been the longest March-break ever! My daughter is going into grade 7, so I’m both excited and a little nervous to see what the new school year will bring and what it means for the spread or containment of COVID-19. I pray the trend continues as it has been, with the rate of spread remaining low.
For two weeks in a row, I’m pleased to share that, as of yesterday, we have no report of COVID-19 cases within Christian Horizons communities in both Ontario and Saskatchewan.
Christian Horizons Statistics
(Running totals since March 19, 2020)

Provincial and National Statistics
(Beyond Christian Horizons)

Christian Horizons Global
The pandemic continues to disrupt life in all of the countries where we support people. In Haiti, some schools have begun their year with a reduced number of students. Other schools that we partner with have remained closed until there is a further reduction in overall cases. Our international partners continue to show their commitment and love to their communities as they serve in difficult situations. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Canada COVID-19 Alert App
Last week we learned about the COVID-19 Alert App launched by the Canadian government. It’s another example of how we can be in this together, tracking COVID-19 to stop the spread. That said, if you have an older phone, the app might not work. The details are on the website in the link above.
Thank you once again for your continued diligence. Please remember to wear your mask, wash your hands, and keep a safe distance. And please continue to check out the resources page at https://covid19.chconnect.org/. As always, I’m available at dmilley@christian-horizons.org if you wish to contact me.
Stay safe,
Dwayne Milley
Vice President of Operations