In Janet’s video last week, she shared about the passing of a person using services in the Peel community due to COVID-19. His funeral was this past Monday, and we continue to grieve for him and with his family and friends.  

The vaccine roll-out is gaining momentum here in Canada, and so are some variants and the continued spread of COVID-19. Now, along with diligence in wearing masks and other PPE, keeping a distance, and washing our hands, many people are rolling up their sleeves to aid in the fight against COVID-19. We are not out of the woods yet, but I remain hopeful that the end is in sight 

As of yesterday, Christian Horizons has two (2) people using services and five (5) employees who are currently positive for COVID-19 in four (4) Ontario communities. We have no active cases in Saskatchewan. 


(COVID-19 Stat Running totals since March 19, 2020; Vaccination Stats – Running Totals since February 2021) 

Christian Horizons Global

Internationally, it is a time of challenge. In Ethiopia, people are struggling from a shortage of water. They are continuing to need to buy it from trucks that come through or walk long distances. In Guatemala, a nearby volcano has been erupting ash into the air. This does some minor property damage but mostly is just an inconvenience that they need to shovel – imagine a snow day only it is hot and dirtyThis week, we have been receiving year-end reports from our teams on the work they were able to accomplish this past year. It is a joy to see the reports and realize the thousands of lives that have been touched in such a tough year.  

Contact Me

Please remember that our resources page is updated regularly, at

I remain available at

still want to hear from you!! Even though we need to remain diligent and many restrictions are still in place, I’m looking forward to when the pandemic is officially over. What are you most looking forward to doing when we get there? 

Stay safe!

Dwayne Milley 

Vice President of Operations