As the launch of UKG gets closer, the Human Resources department is gathering questions so that information can be tailored to meet your needs as you learn to navigate a new system. There will be webinars, learning modules in the Learning Management System (LMS) and job aids all designed to assist you in using UKG.
The most frequently asked questions right now relate to timekeeping, which is tracking the start and end of a shift.
How will I log the start and end of my shift? In UKG this is called “punching in” and “punching out”. Our current system typically involves making a note on a paper schedule indicating that your start or end time changed. Then a person reads the note, interprets what is written and manually enters it into Quadrant prior to payroll cutoff time. The new system will record your start and end time with the click of a button once logged into the UKG app on a work computer or iPad. You also have the option to use a personal device.
What happens if there is no power or no internet? No worries, the UKG app will still record your start and end time when you enter your “punch”. As soon as the internet is restored or you next connect to wifi, your data will be updated in the system.
What if I forget to login at the start/end of my shift? Supervisors will receive a notification when an employee is scheduled to start a shift but has not punched in. It will be important to start a new habit of punching in and out to start and end of your shift. Your supervisor can adjust the times as needed, but to avoid inaccuracies in your pay it is essential that you login and out at the start and end of your shift.
More information and training about timekeeping in UKG will be provided. Watch for weekly communication in various formats over the next 8 weeks until the launch on September 17. Continue to send questions to UKGhelp@christian-horizons.org.
Introduction to UKG for Leaders Webinar – Thursday, July 20 from 1:30 to 2:30 EDT (11:30 CST)
Supervisor UKG Readiness Webinar – Thursday, July 27 from 1:30 to 2:30 EDT (11:30 CST)
(Webinar for All Employees will be announced in August)