February 23, 2023

The last few years have been quite the journey–full of change, growth, and joy. As we’ve moved forward, we’ve focused on the power of community—coming together and building something better than what we had before. We have demonstrated resilience as we persevered, committed to positive change and collaboration, and we will continue to work together building possibilities for people to self-direct their services and truly belong. We know these collaborations have had a positive impact on people who use our services. People have made choices about their lives and services, have developed new skills and hobbies, and have contributed to their communities in ways they never have before. We want to celebrate those stories.

Is there someone you know who has a story of choice, growth, or hope to share? Talk to them about the opportunity to share their story with Christian Horizons. Stories can be sent to us using the form below by March 15, 2023. It you need to share the form with someone, use this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7Z6VL53

Here are some questions to get people thinking about what story they could tell:

  • Have you made a move to a new place? Tell us about it.
  • Have you had an independently facilitated plan? Tell us how it went.
  • Have you used your Passport funding to achieve a goal (applies to Ontario)?
  • How has technology helped you to direct your life?
  • What opportunities have you had to collaborate with others to make your community a better place?
  • How have you built relationships and contributed your gifts to the people and communities important to you?