September 12, 2024

Supporting someone who is recovering from addiction can be really tough. Knowing what to say or do to help them feel supported and loved is not always easy. At times, you might feel scared, confused, or even frustrated. Recovery takes time and doesn’t tend to follow a straight line. Moving forward is still a step in the right direction, no matter how small or insignificant something feels.

Also, being aware of how to cultivate empathy and keep it at the forefront of all interactions, even in the most challenging circumstances, can help with healing for everyone.

At our Employee & Family Assistance Program’s (EFAP) website, Homewood Health –, you can find an article, a podcast and a video with some tips on how empathy can be a way to offer invaluable support to individuals who are navigating a path toward addiction recovery. For easy access, please use the following links.

• Article: Homeweb | How Empathy Can Support Someone In Recovery Article
• Podcast: Homeweb | How Empathy Can Support Someone In Recovery Podcast
• Video: Homeweb | How Empathy Can Support Someone In Recovery Video

Keep in mind that Homewood Health is a confidential service that provides various supports and resources, including articles, podcasts and short-term counselling.

If it’s your first time accessing Homewood Portal, you can open this document (VPN required) to see the step-by-step enrollment instructions and the invitation code.

Should you have any challenges enrolling, you can call Homewood Health directly at 1-800-663-1142, or you can contact


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