June 10, 2021
To: All Employees in Saskatchewan
As part of our Onward strategic plan, we’re strengthening how it is we collaborate with people, their families, our employees, and community partners in co-designing the services people are interested in today. Stakeholder engagement allows us to lean in, listen, and work together as we value the contributions of people who experience disabilities and those close to them. In partnership with Helen Sanderson and Associates, Christian Horizons will learn what feedback people have on services and understand what they would like to see in the future.
This summer, we are collecting feedback from all of the people who matter most to us – people who use our services, employees, family members and community partners. This is part of our Onward strategic plan. Our goal is to ensure services are
based on partnerships that lead to a full life where we all work together.
One of the ways that we are gathering this feedback is through an online survey of just 6 questions. Your participation is anonymous, optional, and very appreciated!
Please take 10 minutes today to complete the survey. The survey closes on June 25, 2021.
Download the e-brochure (PDF) and share.