Recently there have been multiple recalls of Hand Sanitizers posted by Health Canada for products that may not meet legal requirements for sale and/or that may pose undeclared risks, such as mild irritation, to people using these sanitizers. It can be hard to know if the sanitizers you have are good to use. Here are some common questions and answers to help you know for sure:

How do I know if a sanitizer is authorized for use?

Health Canada maintains a list of approved hard surface and hand sanitizers here. You can look up the product name, the company and NPN or DIN, and if it appears on this list, it is approved.

What is an NPN or DIN and where can I find it?

Based on the ingredients of the sanitizer, an NPN or DIN is the number given to a product once it is approved for distribution and use in Canada. While sanitizer containers are different, you can find this information on the containers or packages themselves; they will include “NPN” or “DIN”. Here are two examples:

How can I find out what sanitizers have been recalled?

The Quality, Research and Practice Initiatives (QRPI) department will maintain a list of current recalls on the shared U-drive for Community Resources. The list can be accessed by Program Mangers, Team Leads and others. The PM/ Team Lead will work with the Joint Health and Safety Committee or Rep at each location to access the spreadsheet to be sure that the products at the location are not on the recall list. Simply access the spreadsheet and click the down arrows to search by product, company or approval numbers. Some products do not have approval numbers, which is why they have been recalled. Make sure to keep checking the list, as new or updated recalls will be added to the list.

What does it mean if specific “lots” are being recalled?

A “lot” is a number assigned to a batch of sanitizer that was produced and packaged for sale. It can represent the day on which it was packaged, a time frame within that day, or even a specific production line that was used. Companies use different formats in identifying lots, but a lot of information will also be found on the package (see picture above).

What if I can’t find my product, or if I have questions?

You can talk to your Program Manager or Team Lead, and they can reach out to others if needed, including District Managers or the QRPI Department.

What do I do if I have recalled sanitizers?

Make sure to separate it from the rest of your sanitizers and let everyone know that it should not be used. You can talk to your Program Manager or Team Lead, and they can reach out to a District Manager, or they can contact the local supplier or pharmacy for direction.​