March 7, 2024

Registration is now open for our 2024 Belongathon happening on Saturday, June 8.

What is the Belongathon?

The Belongathon is an accessible walk and roll event run by Karis Disability Services. The purpose is to raise awareness about our work and the people we support, and to fundraise for people with developmental services in Canada and around the world. The focus of this event is community engagement — you don’t need to raise funds to join in on the fun! 

Where is the money going?

This year, 50% of funds will go to accessible and inclusive education programs in Guatemala, and the other half will go to local initiatives in Canada, like Family Camp.

How can I participate? 

  1. You can create or join a team at Click “sign up” to make an account, and from there you can be added to a team or start your own.
  2. Donate! At click “Support a Friend” to give to a team or individual.
  3. Volunteer! You can sign-up to volunteer when you register online at

Questions? Please reach out to your Belongathon district lead:

Central: Jeff Jefford,

Central East: Hilary Warner,

East: Rachel Van Dasselaar,

North: Sammy St. Pierre,

Saskatchewan: Cadie Perreault,

South: Dawn Mills,

West (Peel, Halton, Niagara & Hamilton): Jennifer Polley,

West (Waterloo): Kim Whetstone,