
This month’s Onward Huddle resource by Sarah Indzeoski, an Independent Personal Plan Facilitator in Saskatoon, talks about the power of independent personal plan facilitation. Sarah shares a story about a mother of a person with a developmental disability who was surprised at what her son was capable of. Sometimes we all need someone who believes in us, who doesn’t flinch at our dreams, who can imagine with us what the future might hold. Even more, we need people who believe in us – people who do not only see our limits but who value our strengths and contributions.

June 2023 Reflection (PDF)

Prayer Guide

The June prayer guide is now available.

Throughout this season, Christian Horizons’ prayer guides will reflect on the meaning of “spiritual gifts.” This guide will help you to consider ways that you could bless those around you with the spiritual gifts that God has given you, and how you might encourage others to share their spiritual gifts.

June 2023 Prayer Guide (PDF)