This month’s reflection, “Creating Homes of Belonging”, is written by Ingrid Dykstra, Christian Horizons’ North District Executive Director. Ingrid introduces the Affordable Housing project in the North community. She reflects on how important it is to live in a community – to live where people care about you, and you care about people. To live in a home where you belong.
Prayer Guide
The theme for this month’s Prayer Guide is “Houses of Belonging”. As Christian Horizons expands into diverse living options and affordable housing to meet a range of needs, we pray that God brings a real sense of peace and belonging into the lives of people who live in these spaces and to their community around them.
This prayer guide is included below to print and make available at various locations as an optional resource for employees, people receiving support, families and church partners. If you have any questions about the prayer guide or items to include next month, please contact
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