August 3, 2023

As shared in today’s video update by Dwayne Milley, Vice President of Operations, throughout the month of July, we shared important PolicyManager updates with you in On the Horizon communications, both in video and articles format. As weekly On the Horizon articles contain critical information for employees to read and be aware of, please remember to watch for On the Horizon weekly to stay informed of what is going on here at Christian Horizons, and to understand how it impacts you at work.
Policy Updates in PolicyManager
On July 26, 2023, policy updates were officially released in PolicyManager, which is now the ONLY place for employees to review the most up-to-date version of our internal policies and procedures. As we’ve shared, Christian Horizons no longer provides paper copies of policy or is keeping an updated copy of the Reference Manual on CHconnect. The recall of Reference Manual binders will take place in the weeks to come.
iAttest in PolicyManager
As previously communicated (see Policy Updates in PolicyManager), employees must attest to new and significant updates to policy in iAttest, the feature in PolicyManager that replaces our previous practice of manually signing off on the Reference Manual Review Sign Off Sheet.
On August 1, 2023, automated “Attestation Required” email from were sent to employees’ work email. Given the inquiries from employees concerning the legitimacy of the attestation email, we want to assure you that emails coming from are authentic and links in the email are safe to open. All future emails from the policymedical domain will be flagged as safe going forward. Thank you for your ongoing diligence to cybersecurity at Christian Horizons.
Extending Attestation Period to December 31, 2023
As you know, the last full organizational policy update was over a year ago in February 2022, and that means there are a lot of policy changes assigned to you in iAttest to review. Recognizing the list of policy changes in this release is extensive and to give everyone time they need, we are extending the attestation period from September 30, 2023, to December 31, 2023.
As you work through the policy attestations, remember that you are only required to read the sections that have been updated and any new policies. The Chart of Updates is designed to help you see exactly what has changed with each of our policies section by section. You can find the Chart of Updates directly in PolicyManager. Please refer to this article Policy Updates in PolicyManager for instructions.
Not Seeing an Attestation Email in your Inbox
If you haven’t received an attestation email, it is because you haven’t yet logged into PolicyManager. PolicyManager requires you to log in to the system at least once to recognize you as an active user. Please set aside a couple of minutes when you are working to complete this important step. As of this week, about 50% of employees have logged into PolicyManager.
Navigating PolicyManager for The First Time?
To equip all employees on the basics of PolicyManager, an all employee LMS module was assigned to employees on July 7, 2023, via email from Workplace Learning. This learning module covers logging in and out of PolicyManager, using the homepage and searching, and the iAttest feature of PolicyManager.
Support with PolicyManager
- Question or Feedback – You can submit a question or feedback on the new system directly to the PolicyManager Administrators at and one of the System Administrators will get back to you
- Technical Support – If you need technical support with PolicyManager, you can submit a HelpDesk Ticket
- PolicyManager page on CHConnect – Access the User Guides and General User FAQ
In Case You Missed It!
Here are the links to Policy Updates shared in On the Horizon in previous weeks:
- July 6, 2023 – Video Update
- July 6, 2023 – Getting Ready for Policy Updates
- July 20, 2023 – Policy Updates Coming to PolicyManager July 26
- July 27, 2023 – Policy Updates in PolicyManager