March 31, 2022
We are excited to announce that the Passport Tracker is moving into the OBD and will be available for use starting on April 6. All Passport Tracking for F2023 will be done in the ODB and the Microsoft Excel tracker that has been used in previous years will no longer be available.
Training for the ODB Passport Tracker
There are two training options for people who will be using the ODB Passport Tracker.
- Training Videos and Documents will be available on April 4 in the following locations
- ODB Main Page
- V:Agreements – PassportPurchasedServicesz Tool Kit – New Day Supports
- Live webinars will provide training on how to use the Passport Tracker in the ODB and will provide a live demo on how to use the ODB Passport Tracker. Instructions on how to join these webinars will be available in upcoming communications. The same content will be covered in both webinars, so you only need to save the date for one. The planned dates for these webinars are:
- Tuesday April 19 – 1-2pm
- Tuesday April 26 – 2:30-3:30pm
These training documents and webinars are directed at Program Managers and any DSPs who provide Passport services but are open and available to all staff.
A quick look at how to create an entry in the ODB Passport Tracker
The ODB Passport Tracker utilizes the Support Note function in the ODB. Once the ODB Passport Tracker is live, when you go to create a support note, you will see a new type of support note that can be created. The information entered on this tab will generate an entry in the person’s Passport Tracker and be billed to PassportONE once it has been approved by the Program Manager.
F2023 Passport Amounts and Recurring Billing
For everyone who received Passport services from Christian Horizons in F2022, the total Passport Funding and recurring billing, if applicable, was imported into the ODB based on information from February 2022. Once the ODB Passport Tracker is live, Program Managers will be able to view, confirm and/or edit the details about a person’s Passport funding amount and any monthly recurring hours, if applicable. It will be important for this information to be reviewed for accuracy by the Program Managers as soon as possible, ideally during the month of April.
Have Questions?
If you have any questions about the ODB Passport Tracker you can reach out to your District Controller, Amy Van Til (, or Nousheen Samuel (
Why the change?
One of the goals of the Onward Individualized Funding Working Group (now known as Self-directed Funding) has been to develop systems to support Passport, a model of individualized funding, consistently across the organization. The ODB Passport Tracker will make the Passport Tracking process more automated and integrated within the current support note process in the ODB. It will also provide real time information on how a person is using their Passport funds and how much funding is remaining in the current fiscal year. For people that have monthly recurring hours, Program Managers will be able to see these hours along with the non-recurring items and be able to run reports on how funds have been utilized.
In addition to the Passport Tracker moving into the ODB, for F2023 we have eliminated the requirement for a signed Passport agreement for people supported residentially by Christian Horizons and are shifting Passport planning into the Personal Planning process. Passport agreements in place for F2022 are being temporarily extended until new plans are created through the Personal Planning process in F2023. All these changes together will continue to improve our approach to Passport services as we support people to direct the services they receive from Christian Horizons.