Effective January 1, 2021, all group benefits plan information will be sent directly to your Christian Horizons email address. Upon enrollment into a SunLife group benefits plan, Human Resources will email you a digital plan member booklet, including registration information for mySunLife.ca, my Sun Life mobile app, and a print-out “all-in-one” coverage card (if applicable to your plan). MySunLife.ca and my Sun Life mobile app provide plan members the online tools to manage their plan. Online access includes:
Paper benefit information packages will be available upon request. For all questions regarding benefits, employees can continue to contact us through our dedicated email at benefitinquiries@christian-horizons.org or visit the Benefits CH Connect page at Sun Life Benefit Information on CHconnect. LIFEWORKS EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM New and improved features are coming to your LifeWorks Employee Assistance Program (EAP) on Monday, January 4, 2021. LifeWorks will send a welcome email to your Christian Horizons email address to activate your account and create your own confidential password. The email will be from notifications@lifeworks.com and look as follows: |