September 26, 2024

As we witness conflicts and wars occurring globally, we may experience a number of difficult emotions. These events can trigger waves of shock, fear, frustration and in some even anxiety and depression.

Please see attached new resources from our Employee & Family Assistance Program’s (EFAP), Homewood Health, The Emotional Impact of Global Conflicts and Coping with the Anniversary of a Crisis Event, where you can find possible reactions in situations like that and some strategies to manage and cope with them.

For additional resources on health and wellness, access Homewood Health –

Keep in mind that Homewood Health is a confidential service that provides various supports and resources, including articles, podcasts and short-term counselling.

If it’s your first time accessing Homewood Portal, you can open this document (VPN required) to see the step-by-step enrollment instructions and the invitation code.

Should you have any challenges enrolling, you can call Homewood Health directly at 1-800-663-1142, or you can contact


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