Now that the CERB benefit has ended the federal government announced last week three new COVID-19 Recovery Benefits for those over age 15, who are residents of Canada through Bill C-4, COVID-19 Response Measures Act. These new federal benefits are available to provide financial support to employees who lost income due to COVID-19. Full details of the eligibility criteria and requirements can be found at

Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)

The first new benefit, CRB, is for those who don’t qualify for Employment Insurance (EI) and have had an involuntary reduction of at least 50% in their annual income due to COVID-19.

Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB)

The second one, CRCB is a caregiver benefit for those unable to work at least 50% of their scheduled workweek because they must care for a family member. This includes children under age 12, who require supervised care as a result of the closure of their school, day program, or care facility, or because they are sick with COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms, or are at risk of serious complications if they contract COVID-19.

Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)

The final benefit, CRSB, is a sick benefit for those who are unable to work at least 50% of their scheduled workweek because they are self-isolating due to having COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms, have been advised by a health care professional to self-isolate, or have an underlying condition that puts them at high risk of getting COVID-19.

If you have any questions about these new benefits, please reach out to your Supervisor or Human Resources Manager.



As Ontario is experiencing a second wave and an increase in COVID-19 numbers, we understand you are concerned about access to paid sick time. We know that some employees exhausted their Personal Emergency Leave (PEL) banks due to self-isolating requirements in the Spring, and we have heard you are worried your colleagues may come to work with COVID-19 symptoms or you yourself may make the decision to come to work not feeling well as you can’t afford to take an unpaid day. Employee feedback through the Joint Employee Association was very clear that support is needed to get us through to January 1, 2021, when PEL banks reset.

Effective immediately, Managers will have more flexibility to approve the use of Personal Medical Leave (PML) for COVID-19 related absences when an employee’s PEL bank is exhausted. The following outlines additional incidents when PML can now be utilized without adjudication from Acclaim.

When PEL is exhausted, Managers can now plot PML for employees who:

  • Have COVID-19 symptoms (e.g., runny nose, sore throat, cough), are being tested.
  • Awaiting COVID-19 test results due to potential non-work-related exposure.
  • The test result has returned negative, but still showing COVID-19 symptoms (to access PML, employee to provide a medical note confirming they are no longer contagious with an expected return to work date).
  • A primary caregiver to someone who is home with a confirmed case of COVID-19 or to someone who has symptoms or been exposed and is awaiting test results.
  • Self-isolating due to essential travel (such as a funeral or seriously ill family members).
  • Should you need additional support during this time, please remember these other options are still available:
    • Schedule change & switching shifts requests
    • Request vacation or stat time payout
    • Benevolence Fund – All Districts plus the Waterloo Office still have funds available for grants from the Benevolence Fund​​