Payroll Calendar
The 2021 Payroll Calendar is now available on CHconnect.
Click here to download the Payroll Calendar.
RRSP or TFSA: How to Achieve Your Financial Goals
During the pandemic, have you been seeing the market fluctuations and thinking about your financial goals? They could be short-term savings for a home renovation or long-term savings for retirement. Our Benefits Broker, NFP has provided a tip sheet to help achieve those goals and explain the difference between investing in Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). Click here for more information.
Ontario Employees who would like their second Stipend deposited directly into their RRSP can do so by completing a P-9:8c One Time Bonus RRSP Contribution form. Forms are to be sent to by December 27, 2020. Click here to access the form on CH Connect.
Below are services available to support your financial planning.
Canada Life Plan Member Helpline T. 1-800-724-3402
Contact Canada Life to…
- Obtain your confidential Password and ID to allow you to access your member account including the Retirement Planning Tools and Calculators
- To speak with someone about your investment choices and understand how to determine suitable investments for you
- To have Canada Life change your current investment allocations and/or your future investment direction
- Update your personal information (beneficiary/name/address)
Service Canada
Contact Service Canada to…
- Learn about your CPP and/or OAS benefit entitlements follow this link “My Service Canada Account” or 1-800-277-9914
- Not sure of your RRSP contribution limit?
- Check your Notice of Assessment from your 2019 Tax Return
- Contact Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) TIPS Line 1-800-267-6999 or follow this link “My Account” to set up your account. (Or go to select “taxes” from the categories provided)
NFP Canada
Tracy Girling
Consultant, Group Retirement
T. 1-877-251-4612 x41294