Please join us for one of our Virtual Annual Community Meetings (ACMs) to look back on the year, celebrate and reflect. We are excited about this year’s theme, “Together With Us”. We look forward to recognizing the 2019-2020 Excellence in Action award recipients. Hope to see you there!
To register please visit:
For more information, please contact Margaret Bain at
Christian Horizons requires employees who provide direct support to be certified in First Aid/CPR. Furthermore, for employees who work alone at night, policy requires that they be certified in First Aid/CPR so they can provide essential life saving measures when needed.
This fall, Christian Horizons will offer in-person Blended First Aid/CPR certification sessions.
The Canadian Red Cross “Blended” program requires the completion of two components:
Phase A – A two-hour e-learning (through the Red Cross portal). The focus is theoretical concepts.
Note: Since April, emails have been sent with the e-learning link.
Phase B – A half day in-person “Blended First Aid/CPR” course. The focus is practical skills.
Note: This fall, in-person sessions will follow strict protocols to promote safe learning.
After completion of BOTH phases listed above, you will be fully certified in Emergency First Aid/CPR.
As stated, all who attend in-person sessions (Phase B) MUST first complete the e-learning (Phase A).
This will include:
- Employees hired since January 2020 who do not have certification in Emergency First Aid/CPR.
- Employees whose 3-year (+ 90-day pandemic “extension”) certificate has expired.
While some have completed the e-learning course, many have not.
- Search your CH email account for a message with the subject line of “Registration of Red Cross ONLINE Blended Emergency First Aid course” or “Action Required: Register for your new Red Cross account”.
- If you cannot find this email and you are sure that you need to be certified (or re-certified), please contact
- If your certification will be expiring soon, watch for an email with instructions.
If you have questions regarding First Aid certification and the above process, please contact
On August 10, 2020, Navin Motwani joined Christian Horizons as the Abilities Specialist. As the Abilities Specialist, Navin’s responsibilities will include the coordination and support for employee medical leaves of absence programs, medically related workplace accommodation and the return to work process.
We are thankful to Jen Barwegan, the former Abilities Specialist for her excellent work in that role as she moves on to an exciting new opportunity as the Payroll Team Leader.
Over the years, The Joint Employee Association has raised employee concerns about the 3rd party adjudication process – we remain committed to the delicate nature of the supports that are provided to our employees during absences or medically related accommodation. We look forward to seeing Navin’s support to you as he serves as the primary liaison and ensures accurate coordination of information between employees, supervisors, and 3rd party adjudicators.