Lifeworks Resources Available Online
On April 16th in On the Horizon, we announced the expansion of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to include ALL EMPLOYEES for six months. The Lifeworks website is part of the EAP benefit and is full of resources including videos, print articles, podcasts, infographics and more.
Resources can be found under the headings of Family, Health, Life, Money and Work. Each month a selection of resources are grouped together into toolkits on relevant topics including pandemic supports.
You are encouraged to visit the LifeWorks EAP website:
Username: christian
Password: horizons
For more information about all of the supports available to you including internal counselling, benefit programs, the LifeWorks enhancement, etc. please visit the Employee Assistance page on CHconnect.
Benevolence Fund
To date, over 300 people have applied to the COVID-19 Benevolence fund since it was first announced on April 24th. Limited funds are still available to provide financial assistance (up to $300) to employees and people who use our services with small grants to help with a COVID-19 related expenses. You can download the application here.
We will continue to focus on your health and wellbeing. For additional resources, please visit: