​2021 Vacation Planning Tool

Policy E.5.2 states that “By January 31st, vacation requests will need to be submitted for at least 75% of an employee’s annual vacation accrual for the current calendar year. By September 30th, vacation requests for the remaining 25% unplanned vacation will need to be submitted. The use of vacation time must be pre-approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor.”

To assist with planning your 2021 vacation time, the 2021 Vacation Planning Tool is now available and has been updated with this year’s dates and statutory holidays.

The purpose of the tool is to enable each team member to plan their vacations and statutory holidays for the year. This tool does not replace the need to request time off or to obtain approval, it is for planning purposes only.

There are two versions of the tool: one version is for Ontario employees and one is for Saskatchewan employees. Click here to go to the Vacation Bank Planning page on CHconnect to download the tool.

To help you plan your vacation time

To assist you with planning your vacation time, the Vacation Accrual Chart in Policy E.5.2 outlines the eligible vacation time for each employee, based on years of service. To find out how much vacation you will accumulate by a certain date, and what 75% of your vacation time is, use the vacation calculators on CHconnect.

To find out how much vacation time you have accrued, to date, check Quadrant Self Serve (QSS).

Call for Excellence in Action Nominations

New for 2021, Excellence in Action nominations will be accepted throughout the year. Please take the time to recognize someone who has gone above and beyond throughout the past year, April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021. Nominees can be donors, employees, family members, community partners, people who use our services, stakeholders, vendors, volunteers. To learn more about Excellence in Action click here.

Excellence in Action recipients for April 2020- March 2021 will be celebrated at the Annual Community Meetings in October 2021. The deadline to submit a nomination form is April 30th, 2021.

Christian Horizons has been strengthened by the dedication of people who share the Vision of Christian Horizons- People who experience disabilities belong to communities in which their God-given gifts are valued and respected.

Nomination forms can be found on the CHconnect Excellence in Action page. Completed nomination forms are to be sent to excellence@christian-horizons.org.

Click here to download a copy of the nomination form.

Click here to download a copy of the Call for Nominations poster to print and display at your location.

HRIS Steering Committee Update

The Human Resources Information System (HRIS) Steering Committee continues to meet regularly to identify a new HRIS to improve the systems and processes used by employees every day.

The 19 committee members represent various positions, experience, and diversity across the organization. They seek a product to improve the functions of payroll processing, scheduling, managing employee documentation, and applicant tracking. The main focus is for a product that better supports scheduling.

After the committee reviewed 11 responses to the Request for Proposal (RFP) and saw six vendor presentations, they are very encouraged by the products available to support policy, improve processes, and provide efficiencies. In order to give the committee time to dig deep into the products, the RFP was extended with a target selection date of March 31, 2021.

With any new solution, we expect increased cost as we will experience functionalities that we do not have with our current HRIS system (Quadrant). As we prepare for next year’s fiscal budget, we will forecast an increase in expenses relating to the HRIS.

The committee is excited as we get close to selecting our new product. A project like this will take time to implement but the committee is focused and will keep you informed on our progress.

The committee members are as follows:

Jennifer Gleva VP Human Resources/ Project Sponsor
Lori Klopper Compensation Manager/ Project Lead
John van Dijk Information Systems Manager / Project Manager
Pauline Wall Human Resources Executive Assistant/ Project Coordinator
Bill Vandyk Database Solutions Manager
Carrie Schell Area Manager, North District
Ebenezer Rajeevan Area Manager, West District
Ingrid Dykstra Executive Director North District
Jamie Macrae Recruitment and Employee Relations Specialists Saskatchewan
Jen Barwegen Payroll Team Leader
Larissa Rompe HRIS Team Leader
Lisa Simmons Director of Human Resources
Lori Lei Hetherington Program Manager, Central District
Marilyn Tyrell Direct Support Professional and Joint Employee Association Representative, South District
Matthew Robberstad Recruitment and Employee Relations Specialists, East District
Nazeem Lahashmi Program Manager, West District
Nousheen Samuel Special Projects Manager
Patti Baker Controller
Shelley Green Systems Manager, Central East District

New “Self-Reflection Guide”: To Support Conflict Resolutions

Conflict can arise in any interaction, and it’s never easy or comfortable. But unresolved conflict often grows, impacting the whole team and the people using our services. So, it’s important to have a professional courteous conversation about your concerns, with support as needed. The Self-Reflection Guide  is a new resource to help you prepare for these conversations.

What is the Self-Reflection Guide?

It’s tempting to “jump into” a conflict discussion. But that can just make things much worse. Healthy conflict resolution requires self-awareness, preparation, and perhaps coaching from someone not involved in the conflict. The guide is a questionnaire that helps you review the conflict, your relationship, different perspectives and next steps. Its use is optional if you are going to have a conflict resolution conversation yourself – but it’s highly recommended! If you ask your supervisor for support, they may ask you to complete this form for discussion.

What other support is available?

  1. Conflict Resolution Course Videos – Our Learning Management System (LMS) has four excellent videos (about 20 minutes each) on understanding and resolving conflict. To find them, log into the LMS, click on “Catalog”, and then on “E-Learning for All Employees”. For help, email learning@christian-horizons.org.
  2. Your Supervisor – Recognizing conflict situations and supporting resolution are important supervisor tasks. They can coach you regarding the conflict, or can support a conflict resolution meeting for you and your coworker.
  3. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) LifeWorks – EAP provides counselling support 24/7 and a searchable online library.
  4. Conflict Resolution Support Team (CRST) – CRST members are employees with formal training in conflict management and mediation. When informal conflict resolution is not effective, you can request CRST support (see the Peace Process, policy E.8.4 in Ontario, E.8.5 in Saskatchewan).
  5. Other Training and Policies – Our respectful and positive work environment is supported by the courses Introduction to Diversity and Workplaces of Belonging, and the policies Commitments to Employees, Code of Conduct, Expectations for Employees, Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment and Discrimination.

Interpersonal conflicts can happen any time. We are all expected to use the support available to address conflict, so that we maintain a positive environment for ourselves and the people using our services.


Expanding Eligibility for Emergency Child Care

The Ontario Government is expanding eligibility for the targeted emergency child-care program to more frontline workers, including individuals working in developmental services. This expansion helps parents of school-aged children who may not be able to support their child’s learning/care at home because they are performing critical roles in their communities and are required to report to work in person.

Employer Attestation for Travel To and From Work During Stay-At-Home Order

With the new Stay-At-Home Order starting today, a template letter is available for managers to complete and provide to employees who must travel to perform essential work. Managers can find the letter at U:\COVID-19\_CURRENT OLT RESOURCES TO USE\Human Resources Tools.

For managers who have questions or need support about this letter, please contact your Human Resources Manager.​