April 21, 2022

As of the end of April 2022, the province of Ontario is scheduled to end some of the temporary measures put in place to help manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these measures were put in place to limit MCCSS reporting and compliance inspection activities. For example, since 2020, we have only experienced formal MCCSS Inspections at Supported Group Living locations. And through these reviews, the Ministry inspected against a reduced list of regulatory requirements (i.e., for SGL, this meant a list of 86 compliance items, instead of the regular 279).

Currently, districts are working with the Re-engagement Task Force to identify and implement a plan to support local programs in preparing for MCCSS Compliance Inspections beyond April 28th. We also continue to work with the Ministry to understand what we might expect from our compliance inspection process moving forward. We don’t yet know if we will receive 3 weeks’ notice as we did before the COVID-19 pandemic, or if we will continue to receive 24 hours’ notice. And we don’t know if inspections will take place in each district throughout the year, or if we will have an agency-wide schedule for compliance inspections like we’ve had in the past.

We do know that there have been some changes to the MCCSS Compliance Inspection process.

First, whereas Bathing and Showering Supervision used to carry a “High” risk rating, non-compliance to these requirements will now be classified as “Immediate” risk items, requiring an immediate and documented full response within 24 hours. Districts have been rolling out updated Bathing and Showering Supervision Forms. Please contact your district’s Systems Manager(s) for more information. These Forms can also be found on CH Connect here. (also, see more information on Bathing protocols below.)

Second, the MCCSS has implemented new rules for recurring non-compliances. Simply put, if your district (or agency) has had a particular non-compliance identified in a previous review, and then has the same non-compliance item identified in the next review, this item will be considered to be “recurring”, and the following will be required as a response:

  1. Follow-up requirements will be elevated to the next highest risk rating. For example, if a non-compliance carries a “High” risk rating, it will now be elevated to “Immediate”, requiring a 24-hour action plan and response.
  2. At the end of the compliance inspection, the district (or agency) will be required to complete a review of that non-compliance item at all service locations, and provide the MCCSS Compliance team with an attestation confirming that the issue has been addressed at all service locations.

Information on Compliance Trends can be found here

For any questions, please contact your district Systems Manager(s) or Justin Radstake, Manager of Quality Assurance.