As we continue to experience outbreaks of COVID-19 in Ontario we have staff teams that are in need of extra employees immediately. Below you will find the information about redeployment that was sent out a little while ago. If you are willing please let us know by contacting David Petkau, Director of Community Engagement at or 226-339-4579.

The creativity and dedication of our entire Christian Horizons team has been so impressive in these past months as we have been adjusting to providing support in the pandemic. As an organization, our dedication to the health and safety of the people who use our services and our staff teams has been front and center. The Pandemic is not over – neither are our efforts.

Infection rates are surging in communities across the country, we are facing staffing challenges as outbreaks occur while people wait for test results, and as employees are in isolation.

Are you interested and able to help in one of these situations? Will you consider serving outside of your district on an emergency basis?

Redeployment may require temporary relocation to another community. If so, Christian Horizons will support those redeployed by providing accommodations (in a hotel), meals, and travel expenses. Each situation is unique, so the length of redeployment and details about scheduling will be worked out with the local Program Manager/Team Lead.

If you’re available, we will coordinate with you and your supervisor to plan if/when you were asked to redeploy. If you’re able to help, please contact David Petkau, Director of Community Engagement at or 226-339-4579. Please note: redeployment within a district will be managed by your district leadership team. This request is for those interested in temporary relocation to another district.

Thank you so much to each person who volunteered and was redeployed in the early stages of this crisis, and to those who have already begun to help in a community beyond their home district. Thank you, as well, to those of you who currently are engaged in redeployment within your district. We deeply appreciate your willingness to help in this way, to help people who experience disabilities belong to communities in which their God-given gifts are valued and respected.

What happens after a redeployment?

Following a redeployment to a COVID positive location, the district outbreak manager will work with you and the local public health authority to determine steps on testing. Christian Horizons will work with you on the required testing time and/or isolation period in an appropriate location, this may be at your home or to continue in a hotel setting depending on the situation.

If a redeployed employee tests positive for COVID-19 when a redeployment ends the injury at work supports will be available for that employee.

Wishing you all a good week. Please stay safe – practice physical distancing, wear a mask, wash your hands, and get your flu shot!

David Petkau,

Director of Community Engagement