July 13, 2023
Last week, we sent an email inviting everybody to reflect on the words we use.
We are taking some time to learn from people using services, families, and employees if there are any changes we should make to the words we use. Telling us what you think and feel about different words will inform these important decisions.
Please take a moment to share your input with us at this link or QR code by July 21st: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LanguageFeedback

Your feedback is important.

If you need support to share your feedback, please ask someone who knows you well to help you.

Tips and options for supporting people to share their input:

  • Print and walk through the questions a little bit at a time (even over a few days). When done, enter the person’s answers at the link online.
  • Sit together at a computer and complete the survey together. Read the questions and point out the images to help the person understand the options.
  • If someone is unable to answer any of the questions, reach out to their family and friends and see if they would like to share their input on their behalf.