December 2, 2021

2022 Vacation Planning Tool

Policy E.5.2 states that “By January 31st, vacation requests will need to be submitted for at least 75% of an employee’s annual vacation accrual for the current calendar year. By September 30th, vacation requests for the remaining 25% unplanned vacation will need to be submitted. The use of vacation time must be pre-approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor.”

To assist with planning your 2022 vacation time, the 2022 Vacation Planning Tool is now available and has been updated with this year’s dates and statutory holidays.

The purpose of the tool is to enable each team member to plan their vacations and statutory holidays for the year. This tool does not replace the need to request time off or to obtain approval, it is for planning purposes only.

There are two versions of the tool: one version is for Ontario employees and one is for Saskatchewan employees. Click here to go to the Vacation Bank Planning page on CHconnect to download the tool.

To help you plan your vacation time

To assist you with planning your vacation time, the Vacation Accrual Chart in Policy E.5.2 outlines the eligible vacation time for each employee, based on years of service. To find out how much vacation you will accumulate by a certain date, and what 75% of your vacation time is, use the vacation calculators on CHconnect.

To find out how much vacation time you have accrued, to date, check Quadrant Self Serve (QSS).