February 10, 2022

Christian Horizons is participating in the Cultivating Communities of Wellness initiative funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services in partnership with the Ontario Provincial Network – Human Resources Committee.

Through this initiative, wellness supports and resources are available, including the ParticipACTION+ challenge and the Psychological First Aid (PFA) Self-Care & Wellness course. This is open to all Ontario and Saskatchewan Employees.

Click here to read more about the ParticipACTION+ challenge.

Psychological First Aid (PFA) Self-Care & Wellness

Workplace Learning is excited to offer employees a new Red Cross course called Psychological First Aid (PFA)

Self-Care and Wellness.

Through this course, you will learn how to anticipate stress and crisis whenever possible and practice self-care, particularly during life’s most challenging times. You will acquire tools and resources to improve coping strategies and increase personal resilience during times of heightened stress.

Self-Care and Wellness course has two parts:

Part 1:  ONLINE – Developing a self-care plan (45-90 minutes)

Part 2:  VIRTUAL COURSE – Applying principles of self-care using case studies, group discussion, and personal reflection (2 hours)

For more information, click Self-Care & Wellness for Christian Horizons Employees 

To Register

  • Visit Christian Horizons course registration page.
  • Choose from one of the 8 workshops scheduled for February to November.
  • Complete the Part 1 (Online course) by accessing the link sent following registration
  • Attend Part 2 (Virtual course) – one of the 8 available sessions.

NOTE: The Online Self-Care module must be completed before attending the virtual course.



Search ‘Self-Care & Wellness’ on CHconnect to access links, videos, webinars, podcasts on Mental Health, Self-Care, Resources for Health Care Workers During COVID, Mindfulness, plus much more.