May 27, 2021

Changes to Feedback and Complaints Processes

We are committed to invite and take all feedback seriously. Our policies and processes on collecting feedback and complaints were changed in 2019 and there are two sections in the Reference Manual pertaining to this:

  • Section A.9.1 – Feedback and Complaints Resolution Policy – addresses how we respond to complaints, especially those that are not considered service-related; and,
  • Section B.6.6 – Service-Related Feedback, Concerns and Complaints Resolution – outlines how we document and address feedback, concerns and complaints that are related to services (i.e., communicated by a person using services, their family member or advocate about the services used by that person).

Formal complaints are to be documented using the Occurrence / Incident reporting process in the ODB. According to Section B.8.21 – Occurrence/Incident and Serious Occurrence Reporting, formal complaints made by or about a person supported that relate to services they receive are to be documented as Type 6 O/I’s. In addition, Type 15 O/I’s should be used to report “General concern or complaint that is not related to service standard.” These general complaints include complaints made by anyone other than a person using services or their family member / advocate, as well as complaints made by a person using services or a family member that is not related to the services they receive.

To continue to take all complaints very seriously, it is important that we understand and follow these updated processes. Please take a few moments to review these sections of the Reference Manual.

Finally, our Complaints process is available for anyone to review on our external website.

Information Booklets for Families and Advocates have been updated and are now available on CHconnect. It is available here (please make sure you log into CHconnect before clicking on this link). Please feel free to share this with the people who use our services and their family members or advocates.

If you have any questions, or have trouble accessing Information Booklets, feel free to contact the Quality Assurance team in our Quality, Research and Practices Initiatives (QPRI) department.