Originally Published July 13, 2023
Over the past two years, the Diversity and Inclusion working group has hosted engagement sessions with people from different communities to hear about their experiences within Christian Horizons. For example, in February of last year and this year, in recognition of Black History month, we invited employees to share their lived experience at listening sessions. Similar events were held in June for Pride with people who use our services and employees from the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Insights from these sessions help us understand how Christian Horizons can be an organization where #EverybodyBelongs.
July is celebrated as Disability Pride month. Dwayne Milley and two members of the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group are hosting an engagement session to hear from employees with disabilities in the context of their work at Christian Horizons.
Please click here to register to attend on July 26 at 11:00 am EST if you would like to participate.