October 6, 2022

Here at Christian Horizons, it’s the season of Annual Community Meetings (ACM). Yesterday, the Central East District Team kicked it off with the first ACM. If you haven’t yet registered to attend one, click here to see the dates and times – they’re all being broadcast via Zoom, and you might still have time to watch the East ACM at 2:00 pm today.

Below you’ll find the various statistics for this week.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Contact Me

Thank you for all the ways in which you are helping people who experience disabilities belong to communities in which their God-given gifts are valued and respected.

Dwayne Milley remains available at dmilley@christian-horizons.org.

Christian Horizons Vaccination Statistics

(Running Totals since February 2021)

* Numbers include people we support residentially (GL, SIL, and HF). CPS and Respite are excluded.

Data Sources: Link for Ontario | Link for Saskatchewan

Christian Horizons COVID-19 Statistics

(Running totals since March 19, 2020)

As of yesterday, Christian Horizons has sixty-three (63) active COVID-19 cases in various communities across Ontario and Saskatchewan, an increase of 17% since last reported on September 28, 2022. Of those, twenty-one (21) cases are for people who use our services and forty-two (42) for employees.

Provincial COVID-19 Statistics

(Beyond Christian Horizons)


Data Sources: Google News