June 9, 2022

Yesterday, I was part of a group of people who were recognized for our anniversaries with Christian Horizons. I vividly remember my first day at work 30 years ago, near Yonge and Steeles in Toronto – the neighbourhood where I worked and lived. Alice, Cameron, Debbie, Elli, Gary, Keith, Manny, and Nigel (yes, 8 people!) lived there, and while some of them have since passed away, the decades-long perspective has allowed me to witness such growth in their lives and experiences that I didn’t think was possible when I first met them. I’m grateful to have been part of their lives.

Last week, we announced the change in the driver’s license requirement. This means we’ll be able to hire a whole new group of people without a driver’s license in the weeks and months ahead. I imagine that some of them will be starting, much like I did, with no expectation that 30 years from now, in 2052, they might be writing a message like this. Hopefully, by then, it won’t be about COVID-19!

Here are this week’s statistics. We continue to pray for the employee who is hospitalized due to COVID-19.

Christian Horizons Vaccination Statistics

(Running Totals since February 2021)

* Numbers include people we support residentially (GL, SIL, and HF). CPS and Respite are excluded.

Data Sources: Link for Ontario | Link for Saskatchewan

Christian Horizons COVID-19 Statistics

(Running totals since March 19, 2020)

As of yesterday, Christian Horizons has twelve (12) active COVID-19 cases in various communities across Ontario and Saskatchewan, a decrease of 42.86% since last reported on June 1, 2022. Of those, two (2) cases are for people who use our services and ten (10) for employees.

Provincial COVID-19 Statistics

(Beyond Christian Horizons)

Data Sources:
Link for Ontario |  Link for Saskatchewan

Be safe!

Dwayne Milley

Vice President of Operations

Contact Me

I remain available at dmilley@christian-horizons.org

Thank you for all the ways in which you are helping people who experience disabilities belong to communities in which their God-given gifts are valued and respected.