August 18, 2022
Yesterday, Christian Otte and I were able to visit several Christian Horizons locations along Highway 400 from Toronto to Huntsville. It was awesome to be able to visit with people who use our services, employees, and see where people live and work. Thank you for all you do, and especially to those who hosted our visits.
In Guatemala, there’s another wave of COVID-19 right now. At the preschool just outside Guatemala City yesterday, 12 of the 40 children were away because either they or someone in their family currently have COVID-19. We pray for mild cases and full recoveries for these vulnerable families.
Below you’ll find the various statistics for this week. In the meantime, I remain available at Thank you for all the ways in which you are helping people who experience disabilities belong to communities in which their God-given gifts are valued and respected.
Sincerely, Dwayne
Vice President of Operations
Contact Me
Thank you for all the ways in which you are helping people who experience disabilities belong to communities in which their God-given gifts are valued and respected.
I remain available at
Christian Horizons Vaccination Statistics
(Running Totals since February 2021)
* Numbers include people we support residentially (GL, SIL, and HF). CPS and Respite are excluded.
Christian Horizons COVID-19 Statistics
(Running totals since March 19, 2020)
As of yesterday, Christian Horizons has thirty-eight (38) active COVID-19 cases in various communities across Ontario and Saskatchewan, a decrease of 38% since last reported on August 10, 2022. Of those, five (5) cases are for people who use our services and thirty-three (33) for employees.
Provincial COVID-19 Statistics
(Beyond Christian Horizons)
Data Sources: Google News