This week, there is a memorial for a person who passed away due to COVID-19. We pray for her friends and family as they mourn her passing.
While I’m grateful for the reduction in rapid testing and mask-wearing and so on, I’m still concerned that COVID-19 is still a threat and that we might be less careful. In some areas we’re still using masks and such because of the nature of support needs in those environments, as well as when there is a case of COVID-19.
On Tuesday I visited a support location − some staff were wearing masks and others weren’t. It’s your choice. Masks are available if you prefer to wear them. Either way, please continue to be careful.
Here are the various statistics for this month since our last update on March 30, 2023.
Stay safe,
Dwayne Milley
Contact Me
Thank you for all the ways in which you are helping people who experience disabilities belong to communities in which their God-given gifts are valued and respected.
I remain available at
Christian Horizons COVID-19 Statistics
As of yesterday, Christian Horizons has fifteen (15) active COVID-19 cases in various communities across Ontario and Saskatchewan. Of those, five (5) cases are for people who use our services and ten (10) for employees.
Overall, cases have decreased for people using services and increased for employees since last reported on March 30, 2023. Please refer to “4-Week Trend Analysis” chart.