June 22, 2023

Our latest Connecting Everybody webinar was on Friday, June 16th, 2023. If you missed this webinar or would like to watch it again,  click here. Christian Stewardship Services would like to hear from you! To provide feedback on their portion of the webinar, please fill out this form.

This month’s webinar topic was on Legal Wills, Annuities, Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSP), and Substitute Decision Making.

Speakers included:

Barbara Wallace, LLB our legal counsel at Christian Horizons, shares the value of a clear Will and the importance of substitute decision-maker information.

Mark Wallace, our Director of Organizational & Spiritual Life and International Partnerships, describes the connection and benefit we have through Christian Stewardship Services.

Christian Stewardship Services (CSS), spoke about their support of our Legal Will preparation, along with information about other ways to save money and support family members with disabilities and people with disabilities through Christian Horizons’ partners.

Through our partnership with Christian Stewardship Services, we can offer you consultation services at no cost to review and assist you with your estate planning. To learn more about CSS and leaving a legacy gift through a Will, visit their webpage here. Or contact Marinus Koole directly with any questions at 1-800-267-8890  ext. 225 or marinusk@csservices.ca. To schedule a consultation appointment, click here