June 13, 2024
An article about the new way to access compliance data
- Managers who previously used the Compliance Dashboard have a new compliance report. This report includes the compliance data you need. Data is from Tracking and Monitoring System (TAMS) now in the Unison app, and Workplace Learning (LMS).
- This report is in PowerBI. The first time you access the report, use the “Compliance Data” link on CHConnect. After that you can bookmark or save the link to open it directly.
- You will be able to see the data for the services that you are responsible for.
- If you have any questions, please message John van Dijk or Ajay Rawat (Business Intelligence).
The Details
Why Do We Need a New Compliance Data Report?
- Historically, compliance data was provided to managers through the Compliance Dashboard.
- Because of significant changes to our systems (AlayaCare, UKG, Unison), which are the sources for our data, we had to rebuild the data pipelines for Compliance Data.
- To take advantage of an available-anywhere platform, the data is now available to Managers through a PowerBI report.
Who Can Access the New Compliance Data Report?
- Managers can see the Compliance Data for the services (departments) which they manage.
- Some employees may see the Compliance Data for the whole district. (e.g., Systems Managers, Area Managers, etc.).
- Any employee can click on the link to the report. Employees will not see data unless they have been explicitly granted permission.
- Permissions are based on the Manager’s role recorded in UKG.
What Is Included in The Report?
- Right now, the following data is available in this report:
- Tracking and Monitoring System (TAMS) Items.
- Workplace Learning Items that are compliance related (There will be some additions in
the coming days).
How Can I Access the New Compliance Data Report?
- The Compliance Data report is available by clicking on the Compliance Data logo after visiting CH Connect.
- The first time you click on the link, you may be asked to sign up for a trial version of PowerBI Pro. You can accept this trial version. The Digital Technology and Innovation (DTI) department will convert your trial license to a paid version in due time.
- After clicking on the link, you will be taken to the PowerBI report. You can bookmark this report and use it without going through CH Connect. You will be required to log in using your Microsoft 365 credentials (Email address, password, and MFA challenge).
- We have not published the URL to the compliance report in this On The Horizon article because this post is publicly accessible.
When Will the New Report Be Available?
- The Compliance Data report is available to you now – June 13, 2024.
- Concierge Service for Those Who Want a Helping Hand.
Concierge Service for Those Who Want a Helping Hand
If you are a manager and would like someone to walk you through signing into the report, or if you are having any trouble, message John van Dijk (Business Intelligence Manager) or Ajay Rawat (Data Specialist.)
We would love to extend a concierge service to ensure that you can use the report in the best way possible.
Help! What Do I Do If It Doesn’t Work Perfectly?
A link to the instruction manual for this report is found within the report itself.
You can also download the instructions from CHConnect by clicking on this link (VPN required).
There are lots of possible questions we can help with. Contact us if:
- You don’t see anything in your report.
- You see the data for the wrong services in your report.
- There seems to be an error with the completion dates or other data.
You can ask your questions through the following methods:
- Direct Message: Feel free to message or email John van Dijk or Ajay Rawat directly with your questions.
- HelpDesk Ticket: If you are submitting a HelpDesk ticket (Helpdesk Link) select the IT Support – Digital Technology and Innovation group and the Dashboard category.
A Note of Recognition
• We continue to recognize the significant contribution from Gord Wiens (yaaaa, Gord!) as the designer and developer of the initial Compliance Dashboard. We are grateful for his work that has served us for years and provides a great foundation for this next step in Compliance Data reporting.