July 13, 2023
On Tuesday, July 12th, 2023, Janet hosted an All-Employee webinar announcing that our name, Christian Horizons, will be changing. Thank you to everyone who joined for this announcement. This recorded webinar, along with Frequently Asked Questions, was distributed at the end of the day through a Dear Everybody email, and a printable document was emailed to all Program Managers and System Managers to post and share in their locations.
As a reminder, we are sharing Tuesday’s webinar and Frequently Asked Questions here.
If you are an employee and have any questions or would like to discuss the changes further, please reach out to your direct supervisor.
Important Note: We want to emphasize that we are sharing this news with you today as an internal announcement only. We ask that you do NOT share the news of our name changing publicly, including not posting anything on your personal social media, until the public launch on September 25, 2023.