November 9, 2023
It is very important for us to use language that dignifies the people we serve and fosters belonging. We are making some slight and impactful changes to our values, vision, and mission. We have heard feedback from people who use our services, the Our Voices Matter Council, and from people within our organization.
Our former value of respecting gifts is now graduating to celebrating gifts.
Our core values are now: valuing people, fostering belonging, serving others, and celebrating gifts.
In our vision and mission, we used the phrase people who experience disabilities. Now, the preferred term among people who use our services and other organizations is people with disabilities.
Our vision with updated language, is now: People with disabilities belong to communities in which which their God-given gifts are valued and celebrated.
Our mission with updated language is now: “As an expression of Christian faith, we work together with people with disabilities to accomplish their goals and nurture communities where everybody belongs.”
These new changes will be reflected on our new website, new banners, and new email signature.