July 27, 2023
August 2023 Diversity Calendar is attached. Whether you print a copy and post it in a communal area, keep it handy to refer to on your own, or use it to spark conversation with others about traditions and memories, we hope this calendar will help us connect to each other as we nurture communities where everybody belongs!
Please note that we have previously sent this monthly calendar via email; as of today and moving forward, we will share with you via On The Horizon only. You can still communicate with us via email at diversity@christian-horizons.org.
August 2023 Diversity Calendar
In August we celebrate:
- Canada Emancipation Day on August 1: marking the end of slavery in the British Empire in 1834. Emancipation Day celebrates the strength and perseverance of Black communities in Canada.
- International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples on August 9: Pronounced by the United Nations, this is a day to promote and protect the rights of the world’s Indigenous populations and recognize the achievements and contributions that Indigenous peoples make to improve world issues such as environmental protection.
- National Acadian Day on August 15: The Acadian people, pioneers and builders of our Country, have celebrated Acadian Day on August 15 since 1881, the year in which the first national Acadian convention was held in Memramcook, New Brunswick. Celebrations are marked by colourful community festivals and family events that bring Acadian culture and history to life.
- The Assumption of Mary into Heaven on August 15: (Often shortened to the Assumption) This refers to Mary’s death and ascent to heaven and is celebrated by Catholic and Orthodox Churches.
- World Humanitarian Day on August 19: This day is dedicated to humanitarians worldwide, as well as to increase public understanding of humanitarian assistance activities.
- International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition on August 23: A day designated by the UNESCO to memorialize the transatlantic slave trade.
- Women’s Equality Day on August 26: The continuous struggle for women’s participation and equality in all spheres of life and society is observed on Women’s Equality Day.
- International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31: A day to remember without stigma those who have died and to acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind.
The best thing about Christian Horizons is the people – both those who use services and those who provide services. Each person brings their own unique perspective, history, culture, faith, and identity; and there is so much beauty in that diversity!
Catalina Hernandez, on behalf of Christian Horizons Diversity and Inclusion Working Group