August 12, 2021
Last week, Laura Watson shared profiles and pictures of the Diversity & Inclusion Working Group. I’m excited for this group and their work in the coming months. They know that we’re better together, regardless of background or race, a reality of which I’ve been twice reminded in the past few days.
On Thursday, I listened to a talk from Ibukon Awosika. She reminded us that we each choose how we want to impact our world and the value system that supports how we do it. We can’t choose for others – we only choose for ourselves. Awosika’s career was in the financial world, so it wasn’t surprising that she closed her talk with an equation:
too much + too little = enough.
Some people have more than they need, and others have less. Together, we’re better. Together, we’re enough.
The other reminder was in The Sum of Us, by Heather McGhee. McGhee refers to “the Solidarity Dividend: gains that come when people come together across race, to accomplish what we simply can’t do on our own”. Said differently,
division hurts everyone, not just the oppressed. Equity benefits everyone in all levels and cultures within our communities.
Within Christian Horizons, we know that communities are better when everyone belongs. I’m grateful for the members of the Diversity & Inclusion Working Group and the choice each of them has made to help us be better. When we come together, everyone benefits. When we come together, people who experience disabilities will also experience new levels of belonging in their lives and communities.
I remain available if you wish to contact me with a question or suggestion about this important work.
Dwayne Milley
Vice President of Operations