November 25, 2021
For: Program Managers, Area Managers, District Executive Directors
As we approach the end of the calendar year, almost three quarters of our fiscal year is complete. The third quarter (ending December 31) represents an important reporting period, the results of which will be reported to the Ministry.
To ensure that expenses are appropriately recorded in the third-quarter financial statements, please submit all invoices and expenses in accordance with the following accounts payable schedule:
- Final cheque run for December 2021
- The final cheque run for 2021 will take place on December 29.
- Where possible, please have expenses and invoices at the Waterloo Office by Friday, December 17 to allow enough time for processing.
- There will be no cheque run the week of December 20 – December 24.
- Expenses received at the Waterloo Office by noon, Friday, December 17 will be reported in the third quarter financial statements.
- Any December expenses or invoices received by you after December 17 should be submitted to the Waterloo Office as soon as possible to have these also recorded in the third quarter.
- First cheque run in January 2022
- The initial cheque run in January 2022 will take place on January 6, 2022.
- In order for expenses to be paid with this first cheque run of 2022; please ensure that expenses and invoices are received at the Waterloo Office by Friday, December 31st.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the accounting processor for your area. I am also available by telephone at 519-783-6810 ext.3134 or by email at