April 6, 2023

Christian Horizons vehicle insurance policy updates every April 1st.  As such, you receive insurance documents (most commonly referred to as your Insurance Pink Slip) each year that you need to take appropriate action with.

In an email on March 30, 2023, addressed to all Program and Area Managers and District Administrative, and Executives you will find attached your Northbridge Insurance pink slip for 2023-24.  Please print this document (in colour if available) and place it in your vehicle, then destroy any older version that you may currently have. The Province of Ontario also allows you to store this document electronically.  As it is a PDF document you can store in on any mobile device (phone or tablet) to be produced, if necessary.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns. If you would like an original copy, please send me a request at bbroomfield@christian-horizons.org.

Bryan Broomfield