March 17, 2022

On February 23, we invited our community to wear pink shirts to stand up against bullying. These are the stories shared by people receiving services from the “Our Voices Matter” self-advocacy groups during #PinkShirtDay last month. Today and every day, we are called to lift each other up instead of putting each other down. We encourage everyone to be themselves and to embrace the things that make us unique. Everybody belongs!

The “Self-Advocacy Groups Updates” are a series of articles written by people using services within the grassroots self-advocate groups in Christian Horizons’ communities. The topics for these monthly articles will include a range of topics, highlighting the perspectives of people who use services.



Elizabeth’s story

“I was bullied in elementary and high school. I was bullied for the way I looked, talked, and acted. I didn’t know how to stop it, so it bothered me a lot. I cried over it. I tried to stick up for myself but at that time I didn’t know how.

It’s different now. I still get bullied but now I know how to stick up for myself. It helps being in self-advocacy groups because they have really taught me how to stick up for myself and others. And I know if I can’t, to go to someone who supports me, like my mom.”

Ryan’s story

“People pick on me sometimes. They make fun of me because of the way that I walk and the way that I talk. It happened when I was younger, and it still happens now. Like at the bowling alley.

I used to tell my teachers about it and now I tell staff about it. They tell me to walk away, so that’s what I do.

I always wonder: why do bullies pick on people?

I think they do it because it makes them feel good. Or they might be jealous. Or they might have nothing better to do than tease me. But they have no idea how it makes me feel. It makes me feel hurt and sad.

I try to do the best I can and not to let it bother me. I always chat with a lot of people; I have a lot of friends and they make me feel better. I talk to them about being teased. They say to look the other way and don’t let it bother you. They say people who bully you must not be your friend.

I want to tell people about this because it’s good to get it out there. So that other people know what’s going on and then bullying can finally stop and we can put an end to it. Bullying is not cool.”

Dean’s story

“I was picked on when I was in public school. I took something to school, and someone stole it from me. We ended up in a fight and I stood up for myself. I got suspended. I told my mom what happened, and I thought for sure she would be upset. I was shocked when she said, “good for you for standing up for yourself!”

I wasn’t expecting that from my mom. I learned that it is good to stand up to a bully.”